Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dear Honorable Congressman,

A friend of mine drafted this fine letter to Congress. Use it as a form, and make sure that they know what you specifically expect of them. He sent it, I sent it. They need to know what we think, Our time seems to be running out...


Dear Honorable Congressman,

The time has come for the Congress to unite in arresting President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and all of their current and former advisors. All of their records and computers must be confiscated as evidence. You must act immediately.

The United States is facing a cabal military coup as evidenced by the following:

1. Posse Commitatus is nearly dead as US troops are being brought home only to patrol US citizens, contrary to every intent of the founders of this nation. (http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/09/army_homeland_090708w/).
2. The Military Commissions Act killed Habeas Corpus.
3. The John Warner Act made President Bush a dictator.
4. The former Congresswoman from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney has publicly declared that 5,000 men were secretly executed in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina which exemplifies mass murder under a fascist regime (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nc-DouFzYM).
5. Ted Gunderson, retired FBI special agent has found elements of the government involved in trafficking children as sexual slaves to pedophiles in the executive branch for three administrations. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrl5Ti35Clk).
6. We have been lead into two wars with lies and Osama bin Laden has never been formerly charged by our government for lack of evidence though the Taliban had him in custody and was willing to turn him over if evidence was produced.
7. There are limitless problems with the official explanations of the events of 9/11 and 50,000 Ground Zero workers are ill and dying. (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3719259008768610598).
8. 4 trillion dollars have disappeared from our government with no accounting and almost all of it disappeared from the Department of Defense under Donald Rumsfeld. (http://solari.com/archive/missing_money/ ).
9. Chemicals are used illegally to spray metals and polyfibers over our heads to combat the fraudulent theory of global warming leading to many illnesses and destroying the very habitats they claim to protect. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wye2YWRohT4 ).
10. President Bush refused to reveal the Continuity of Government Plans to Congress in which his plans to wage war against the American people are laid out and Rep. DeFazio of the Homeland Security committee has declared that there is a conspiracy in our midst. http://www.naturalnews.com/022170.html
11. Congress has awarded monies to Halliburton’s subsidiary KBR to refurbish and build concentration and detention camps for US citizens which can no be detained without charges under these new laws. This was revealed by former Congressman Dan Hamburg and reported in the New York Times and San Francisco Chronicle. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/02/04/ED5OUPQJ7.DTL
12. Nevada must reject all of the money of Homeland Security which is being used to turn state law enforcers against our citizens.
13. The definition of a terrorist has been broadened to include anyone who expresses dissenting opinion such as myself as though government were God and infallible.
14. Finally, our finances are now in the hands of a financial dictator though of no relief to our real economy and all at the behest of our President who said everything in an effort to create a panic and force Congress against its will including threatening martial law. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/22/dirty-secret-of-the-bailo_n_128294.html and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaG9d_4zij8

That ought to be the last straw the American people are called to bear from this aspiring dictatorial cabal whose puppet master has been shown to be the international banking community.

The actions passed through your Congress have assisted in trampling our liberties and made possible the war by the Army against US citizens. Congress has been no less than cowardly and corrupt in our cause and warrants its low ratings. This cowardice and lack of patriotism show it to be saturated with corporate prostitutes who refuse to prosecute the very Wall Street barons whom they have serviced. Showy hearings and hand slaps against these barons do nothing to return the economy they have assisted in handing to socialist takeover and for which they have been awarded golden parachutes in destroying their own companies.

Again, every current and former member of the current administration must be questioned by Congress and all of their records confiscated. Congress has been threatened with martial law over the bailout bill. Our federal attorney’s must act now to arrest the President and Vice President. Stop the coup before it is too late. All the signs of a fascist coup are in place now.

Naomi Wolf is the New York Times best selling author of The End of America. She outlines the historically establish ten steps to fascism which have occurred in many countries and President Bush is fulfilling them all in the United States.

Jim Marrs, New York Times best selling author of The Rise of the Fourth Reich outlines how President Bush is the grandson of George Walker and Prescott Bush who were both treasonous American businessmen among many who sympathized with the Nazis and financed their cause leading to the deaths of millions. President Bush’s eight years in office have been a perfectly insidious testimony of his dedication to the fulfillment of the Nazi socialist agenda of his forebears with the United States as the Fourth Reich.

President George W. Bush is a member of the secret society Skulls and Bones as well as the secret Bohemian Club. One declares allegiance to Satan and the other worships Molech, an ancient Babylonian deity to which people sacrificed their live newborn children. President Bush poses as a Christian family man, but he is likely neither a Christian nor an honorable family man if he follows the values of his secret societies.

Arrest President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney before this cabal’s coup is complete and the rule of law is gone from the US. You have the weight of my full support and physical protection as a natural person with inalienable natural rights. Please, be a Patriot and not a coward. I say this with sorrow.

We as citizens have a window of opportunity to save our Constitution, but we must act now. I would prefer not to suffer or be consigned to an American gulag, but if that is the requisite sacrifice to save our nation then I hope you will join me in fighting this desperate grasp of tyranny.

In Liberty,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this letter.